Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 2014

Did you  expect some event to have happened by now ? Maybe a global terrorist thing, perhaps a collapse for some country or currency. It could even be our own currency.. But for now, I'll hope the puppet masters continue favoring the current pace of life. I think history will record that this was possibly one of the closest times that the US got to the state of rebellion, an internal rebellion, one here.
A very awkward time in this century.... thats what it will have proven to be. Still, some will profit, but I believe       ( to be continued)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2013 and Beyond

The last  year some how stealthily breezed by. The challange , to get here again.. America is in dire need of a politician  cleansing, and it's time for that to happen..  beyond that, I feel a death aproaching, but I can't dwell on  that, there's more than one that qualifies, I'd rather not know right now.   I have plans....   Some stuff  for the Ramcharger.     a hobby of sorts, something to play with  while everyone's at work. Selfish..... probably huh. The prime thing I never had was  to build a hot rod car, in this case a Ramcharger. Also Bronco's and K5 Blazer's.  Still like a sedan delivery wagon.   There's other stuff also. It was about  at 18, I  became interested, it was then that we had no limits,  dreams were our driving force.  But no responsability was the rule.  Wheels, tires, seats, carpet,  and sounds.  Finish it off with paint, a Mopar color.  Then cruise..... nowhere in particular, just a new way, a new road, new scenery, maybe even a new Canon or Nikon.  Plenty to do, and enough time to get it done in.  The days will be getting  longer soon a few days from now.  This last yeas, well I lost three plots of water melons. Course there was not enough  nutrients in the soil  to pull it off. The weather pretty well always came through though, as it should, as it had for decades..   Fertilizer would have been helpful  but I had none, you see, after ground has been fallow for 3-4 years, the neutrients rebuild.... guess not this one.. Oh Well.  Anything could happen in the coming year. I look forward to a couple  of months  of slack before  it gets time to  be active out doors. This next year and the vines, and how I could rebuild them by properly trimming. That is a must. These vines need a particular trimming which is quite spartan, almost scary.  and then off to the daily goings ons. Things following the weather, the rain, storms, the day to day in Cason Old Field.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6th 2012

Only 15 days till the 21st. What will the 21st bring? Some say the End of the World, others an Awakening, or an enlightenment for mankind.  Or even transcending into another dimension? I don't think we will see much of a difference frankly. We will go on with our lives headlong into oblivion ultimately. Along the way, we might have some profound impact on the lives of others, or even our own lives might be changed by some unexpected event. But I don't think very much will change. We will be getting ready for Christmas, hoping that we got enough gifts, washing and laundering our holiday clothing, primping that last minute appearance, and there will be many wishing they could just as well avoid it all together. I know I'm one. I have not enjoyed Christmas as much since my Children have been grown, and since they have no children, it just  doesn't jazz me all that much. Perhaps it's been too many poor Christmas's or my own inability to jump into the 'spirit', but  It seems all the better to me once it's passed, and life is back to normal. After Christmas and New Year, it seems the New Year really brings the chill of Winter, the gloom, that slowly day by day, subsides into spring. But  I guess we all must endure a couple long months of Gloom. No one escapes that. Perhaps this new year will bring something exciting, something to liven the commonplace, something of excitement. Otherwise, it's all just a matter of waiting for Godot as it were, an exercise in waiting, and the futility of it all. I know pessimism has crept into my life, but the body ages, the mind rebels, and one becomes at odds with ones self. Perhaps Moses had something to keep him constantly occupied for those 120 years, but I'll bet after 60 or 70 he was becoming just a bit jaded.  But I'll admit one thing, I'v been pretty happy with my life. I really wouldn't want to change a thing. I have two Great Children, now grown, that bring me pride. And family such as it is, that I care about a great deal. Though many members fail to stay in touch. But, thats how it is, you have a life, and you work through it, and often times there's not much surplus time to spend with others. So................................... when the 21st arrives, I think I'll greet it with a grin, knowing full well we  weren't going to get off that easy, and the rest of our lives is calling us.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Secrets..... are they really?

Everyone has some, and some are important and big, and others only important to themselves. Some are secrets that hide shame, others to protect our friends and relatives, or even a business enterprise or the security of all. Secrets are the mother of all lies, and always require some kind of deception. Guilt is absolved in these instances for the greater good, or so we think. In recent years, I myself have decided that what I do, I will do at the approval or disapproval of my friends, family, or the public, you see, I have grown accustomed to not caring ...... in favor of telling the truth. Now I'm no pillar of society, my circle of friends or associates has gotten smaller as of late, some that I have distanced simply by moving far distant from them, others going to  their reward, and others I have just examined their influences on my life, determining that they are wholly detrimental or negative to the way I want to live. Age will do that to you. You must at some time come to grips with your own mortality, and that time has come for me. I will have to account for my life soon enough when I pass from this existence. Some of my friends or relatives have lived a 'Hedonistic' life for much of the whole time they have lived here on Earth. They know no better, for them it is all they know, or they have never experienced any other day to day routine. We have all had the opportunity to educate ourselves in areas that we know little about, but some are  content to live day to day 'in the world'. My decision to do what I do regardless of the scrutiny of others has afforded me the ability to live in a world of truth. By doing so, some will be offended as their secrets or lies come undone, but that has to be their cross to bear. After all in the scheme of things, they chose what to hide, and what needed a little untruth to hide. The closer you get to telling the truth always, the smaller the web of deceit becomes. Finally you will cast off the chains of deceit for good, and thats when you will live life to the fullest. There is no need often times for 'brutal honesty', but you will notice any deception arising out of it will come finally from others need to hide their misdeeds or shame most often. There is a fine line where you start believing your own lies, and start replacing one with the other, often times when the truth would have made the outcome much more desirable anyway. Why do we cling to lies? Why do we feel secrets are necessary? Simply....... we have something to hide, or feel we do. It hinges on the feeling that others will judge our actions and we desire to always be in their good graces. Our need for approval from others. True friends, and family will accept all our frailties and faults, and value us all the more if we are truthful. 

Don't let others tangle you in their webs, and don't let them intimidate you into compliance with their schemes, it will only make room for larger and larger lies and webs. There is nothing that is worth Judgment, nothing worth lying over, nothing. Our reward is coming whether we want it or not, it's called Death, it's the crossing over to a new life devoid of evil and all that evil encompasses. In the Heavens there will be nothing but the brilliance of light and truth. Are you ready to be Judged? I can say, I am not. I am only covered by the Lords Grace, that is my only hope because I am only human. Only human is no excuse though, as by design we are accountable and our actions and choices will determine what the hereafter will bring us. Once on the other side, the Grace of God will cover us in a cloak of righteousness. and we will never again be exposed. Believe me, when you choose truth and transparency over secrets and lies, others will know, and what they tell yo or their interactions will be tempered with knowing they can't burden you with their secrets. It will be that turning point where your life will become infinitely more easy to live regardless what the rest of the world wallows in. Remember one thing.... and it's been said since the dawn of man, The Truth Will Set You Free.